January 20

Dilation has begun!!!!



3cm_picI went to the OBGYN today for my regularly scheduled weekly checkups and lo and behold did I get some good news today!  The midwife confirmed that I am currently walking around at 3 cm dilated!  (Plus, I also lost another half pound on the scales, which always puts a smile on my face!)  Of course, the midwife did remind me that I could continue to walk around for up to a week at 3cm dilated, but in my heart, I know that I won’t.  With this encouraging news of this dilation, we went ahead and finished all our packing and leaving instruction notes for grandma to hold down the fort whenever it’s time to rush to the hospital.

We are very excited that our little girl will be here soon!  We will do our best to keep you guys in the loop on a moment to moment basis.  And if we don’t, it’s only because Greg couldn’t get a wireless signal to upload.  Trust me, that would be the only reason! 

Thank you for all prayers and well wishes that you left for me on this website and on my Facebook page.  You guys are awesome and it’s been so much fun sharing this experience with all of you.

About the author 


Jennifer is married to Greg. They have five kids.

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  • Prayers for it all going smoothly. What a great home for a child to be born into. Thank you for being good Catholics.

  • I know that this little child is so lucky to have you & Greg as parents, I don’t think she knows exactly how much she is already loved and wanted. What a special gift God has given you! I wish I really knew you to be able to share in your joy. My prayers are with you all. Keep us posted!

    God bless you all,
    Donna Forgas

  • God bless you both as you prepare the new little baby that God has blessed you both with. Jennifer, may your labor be with ease, and short.

  • Update (more complete update later): We just finished our show for today. She’s been having minor contractions but they’re between 15-20 minutes apart. So nothing serious yet.

  • Greg and Jennifer, my best wishes for a quick and easy labour, and may your little girl come healthy into this world. I will pray for you tonight.

  • Greg and Jennifer, I am so happy for you. God bless you little daughter. She will be coming into a holy family. God Bless. Ted Finger in Evans, GA

  • AWESOME. . . AWESOME. . . AWESOME!!! Your family, especially Jennifer and your baby girl are in my thoughts and prayers. I’ll check your site again in the morning for an update. “Holy Mary, pray for us; St. Peter and St. Paul, pray for us; St. Benedict, pray for us; St. Elizabeth, pray for us; all Holy men and women, pray for us . . . . 😀


  • This is just so exciting. God Bless and know that we are all praying for you.

  • You guys are such fun to listen to. I am completely amazed and “wow” that you, Jennifer, are on air broadcasting sounding as calm as can be.

  • Keeping my fingers crossed that the baby will arrive this weekend! (or on your show Monday ;-D ) I don’t want to discourage you or anything, but with my third child I walked around for TWO WEEKS at four cm.

    BTW, I know for a fact that girls DO like Star Wars, and C-3PO does not stay super-shiny all the time. He does need an oil bath once in a while! She might not like “Clone Wars,” though; that’s definitely a boy thing. I should know; I have three, plus my hubby! Best wishes, and cyberhugs and real prayers coming your way.

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