May 8

Pressing Reset

Adventures in Imperfect Living Catholic Podcast


Proper Dress for Podcasting

We're podcasting earlier in the morning after a couple failed attempts at recording the show and Jennifer is surprised how dapper Greg looks (or as dapper as Greg gets when it's warm outside.

Analysis Paralysis

Overcoming the fear of a big decision, and jumping ahead, trusting God to pick up the debris.

We Click The Big Red Button

This week begins a new reset for us as we have all new reward tiers, bonus content, and more as we move to a monthly instead of per-show Patreon co-producer setup.

Click here to become a brand new Patreon co-producer of our show and get some cool rewards!

As we discuss in much more detail, the changes to Patreon have already gone into effect, and it is important to us that we keep our friends and supporters like you up to date on changes that may affect you because we really value your input!

As we’ve discussed on recent episodes of Adventures in Imperfect Living, over the last few weeks and months, Jennifer and I have been looking at three major areas that impact our podcast (and our hopes for future content):

  1. How we create new and ongoing content that’s enjoyable to us to create and helpful and entertaining for you to enjoy,
  2. How a different Patreon payment structure can support ongoing creation of even more exciting new content,
  3. Our current reward and tier structure for our Patreon page.

As we’ve hinted on recent episodes, we’ve come up with a new framework for these three areas that we’re really excited about and plan to roll out in the next few days.

How We Create Content

As you know, we love making content.  From podcasts and videos to comic strips and written content to experimental new media and livestreams, we want to create content that energizes us to make even more (i.e., when it’s fun and not work it inspires us with even more creativity), and serves the purpose of entertaining or inspiring others.  

The difficulty for us is the fact that A) our time — like yours — is limited, and sometimes we WANT to create something for you, but can’t justify the time because we also have to B) do work that directly supports our family financially.

This often means that videos we’re ready to film, audio content we’re prepared to record, comic strips we’re ready to draw, and eBooks and other tools we want to write never happen because we have to do other less meaningful (but necessary) work behind the scenes that supports us but doesn’t necessarily change lives.

As our coproducers have already noticed in recent weeks, we’re striving to include more bonus content such as behind the scenes photos, stories, videos, and recordings exclusively for our co-producers.  This is just a sampling of the kind of stuff we want to do for you!

Evaluating a Different Patreon Structure

We started using Patreon to supplement our work back in October 2014.  For those of you who have been with us this entire time, you know how important this has been for us personally, and we can never thank you enough for your generous support of our work and our family.  

Your patronage has kept us recording week after week even in the midst of cross country moves, debilitating illnesses, huge family transitions, and more.  It’s allowed us to share our faith and encourage others in their walk with Christ.  It’s allowed us to do things we never could have done otherwise.  

Honestly, Patreon is currently the number one way we support our family at this time.  And while it’s risky to put all of our eggs in one basket, this is the only basket we currently have, and we’d like to grow it.

After much evaluation, discernment, and prayer, we believe the time has come for us to switch to a monthly Patreon structure instead of the per-episode structure we’ve used for the past four-plus years.  

What does this mean?

If you're already a co-producer, hopefully not much will change for you, and what changes there are will be minimal in terms of your financial commitment.  

If you give $1 a show now with a max of $5 a month, you’ll now be at the $5/month tier instead of the $1/show tier.  If you give $10 a show with a max of $50 a month, you’ll now be at the $50/month tier.  

Why do this?  
Honestly, because there are many times we want to make a bonus episode or create some other type of content but DON’T because we don’t want to charge you extra and accidentally make you feel like we’re taking advantage of your generosity.

Secondly, we hope that a monthly tier structure will encourage more listeners to sign up if they know they’ll be getting early access to more bonus content before everyone else.  For the past four years, we’ve never been able to break past the plateau of 200 co-producers (we’re currently at 174) and we’d like to change that.

Changes in Tier Structures and Rewards

Starting immediately, we’re completely overhauling our reward and tier structure.  The past structure was overly complicated to maintain, and we’re fairly certain that we’ve inadvertently missed providing rewards to some of you who have earned them.  Additionally, the rewards we’ve offered (such as paintings, comic strips, etc.) have required more time to fulfill than I’ve personally been able to manage.  

Therefore, we’re starting over with a clean slate and will providing rewards at various tiers to all of you that we think will be even more fun.

Going forward, our rewards will include access to more patron-exclusive content, as well as bonus swag such as stickers, drinking glasses, and other surprises sent directly to your home as our way to say THANK YOU.  

  • $5/Month - Community Forum
    • Join the conversation with other co-producers by commenting in the Patreon-exclusive feed. Share your ideas and thoughts with other Patrons of Adventures in Imperfect Living, Greg's New Mental Health Show, Rosary Cast, as well as Greg and Jennifer themselves.
    • Access to exclusive behind-the-scenes Patreon LENS videos (similar to Facebook Stories and SnapChat) where we’ll share what’s going on in our lives and take you along for the adventure!
  • $10/Month - Swag in the Mail!
    • Exclusive surprise swag sent to you in the mail after three months of patronage
    • Adventures in Imperfect Living sticker.
    • Access to Livestreams.
    • Access to video episodes of Adventures in Imperfect Living 
    • Plus all previous rewards.
  • $25/Month - Coffee Mug
    • Exclusive Imperfect Living coffee mug! 
    • The opportunity to ask Greg and Jennifer's guests your questions (which will be read and answered on the show.)
    • Free shipping on WillitsWorks merch (US only).
    • Greg and Jennifer will send you a personal video by email to thank you.
    • Get a push notification every time Greg and Jennifer "go live” and chat with them and other fans about anything you want. 
    • Plus all previous rewards.
  • $50/Month - Video Time!
    • Greg and Jennifer will send you a personal video by email to thank you.
    • Ongoing small group (via video chat app) created exclusively for patrons at this level and above lead by Greg and/or Jennifer.
    • Plus all previous rewards.
  • $100/Month
    • We don't expect many of you to support at this amount. However, some of you have asked and we’re deeply grateful to you.
    • Our personal email address. You’ll be able to reach us with thoughts and ideas whenever you like, and we’ll respond!
    • Plus all previous rewards.


  1. Sign onto your Patreon account and confirm your monthly tier level (you can also upgrade at this time).
  2. Confirm your credit/debit card on file is your correct one.
  3. Be sure to provide a valid mailing address as well as your first and last name as we plan on sending you a thank you in the mail very soon.
  4. If we still owe you a past reward, please send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll add it to my list to get to you as soon as possible.

We know this is a lot of information, but again, our mission is to be your friends in these adventures in imperfect living, and we value your support on this journey.  

We love hearing from each of you, and cannot ever thank you enough for your continued support and love!

Click here to become a brand new Patreon co-producer of our show and get some cool rewards!

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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