February 20

Lily’s Baptism



img_3316Lily was Baptized last night in an absolutely beautiful and simple Mass celebrated by our good friend Fr. Bill Kessler.

The picture to the left is the first family photo we’ve managed to take since Lily was born. We don’t get many photos taken with all of us in the photo at once and I admit it’s strange to see just how much all of us have changed since our last family photo.

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Wow! You have such a beautiful family. May God Bless You all and Lilly. I really enjoy listening to your program on Sirius, keep up the good work.

  • How special is that? You all look fantastic and that baby girl is gorgeous! Greg… you definitely have your hands full. You think 4 boys was busy… wait till the other boys start noticing Lily!!! Oh my! Thank you so much for sharing. We’re enjoying the pictures so much!

  • What an awesome celebration!
    Can Lily have anymore hair than she has? What a beautiful family you all make, you have to be so proud!

  • You are so incredibly lucky to have Fr Bill Kessler come in for the Baptism! What a blessing!!! Lily is growing so much already! How old is she now??


  • Jennifer looks wonderful! I have really enjoyed listening to you both leading up to the birth. I must say you have a very handsome family and Lily is so very beautiful. Keep up the great work on Sirus! I listen each day as I take my son to preschool. You always bring a smile to my face. God Bless You All.

  • Thank you for posting the pictures- they are beautiful!! I totally agree about the oil, I was disapointed when it wore of after my son’s Baptism in December, love that scent!!!!!

  • Call me “Fluer de Lis” Phyllis from PA. I listened today when you had your parents as guests. I know well who bapized me. It was Fr. Sprecher, the same priest who married my parents. I say a special prayer each day for Father Sprecker who baptized me and for all the priests who have administered the other sacrements to me (Fr. John Albert who gave me First Eucharist, Auxilary Bishop Murphy who confirmed me, etc.) as well as the nuns (from the Holy Union Sacred Heart order and the School Sisters of Notre Dame order) who instructed me in Catholic School for 12 years. This is something you might want to start with your kids who can carry it into adulthood.
    Blessings to you and the gang at the Willits house.

  • Congratulations. I agree that the oil smells AWESOME. I couldn’t stop smelling my kids all day after they were baptized. I think my husband thought I had gone nuts!! LOL. What a lovely family you have!

  • Wow! Congratulations! I’ve been out of touch with RA and SQPN for a while, but knew that you were pregnant last fall. I am so happy to see that your pregnancy has given you your lovely Lily. God Blesses!

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