January 19

The Year of Bad Lungs



Last month Ben had walking pneumonia. Now, for the last 10 days, Sam has had a really bad cough.

Jennifer brought him to the doctor on Thursday and he missed two days of school last week.

After completing a round of antibiotics, his cough is just as bad. Last night he coughed for almost two hours before falling asleep, and it was bad enough he had to miss Mass. Not sure if he’s ever had to miss Mass since he was a toddler.

So now we’re back at the doctor and she says his lungs sound worse.

Right now he’s getting a breathing treatment and then we’re heading to the hospital for a chest X-ray. After that, we’ll need prescriptions for an inhaler and another antibiotic because he now also has an ear infection.

So he’s all messed up.

Maybe this is why the baby girl hasn’t arrived yet. We need a completely healthy house for her to come home to.

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • You can just see the happiness in his eyes that he gets to miss more school. I can read this boy like a book!!!

  • Not fun to deal with so close to the baby being born.

    Yeah, and he doesn’t look to bummed out in the picture.

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