November 8

After 10 Long Years, We’re Finally Buying Trees.



After being in our house for 10 years, we’re finally getting some trees.

My sister Nancy knows a lot more about this than we do, so she’s helping me shop.

First the inside of the house got a proper clean up and redesign and now we may actually have some curb appeal!

It’s really an overwhelming task for Jennifer and me. We’ve never done much with plants and the one time I bought a plant for Jennifer (Honeysuckle) it was dead within a month.

So this is a big adventure for us. Again, so glad my sister is helping us plan and next weekend she and my dad will help us actually plant everything. We’d hoped to plant today, but I’m glad everything worked out the way it did so that we could plan things out a little better.

We didn’t buy this exact tree, but bought a bunch of very new saplings that will look like this in a few years:

Here are some dwarf Japanese maples (Jennifer’s favorite) that we found for $10 each. They’re very slow growing, but hopefully in a few years we’ll have some nice variety in the back yard.

All of these trees will soon be in our yard. That’s my sister Nancy in the background (she rocks):

We bought 10 of these smaller Leland Cyprus’.

We were going to go with all Leland Cyprus’ until we spotted a sale on some similar trees that already had some growth to them:

This was a great deal. A nice hardwood “Red Bud” tree. Already about 10-12′ feet tall. Got it for $40 from the nursery’s “hospital.”

Bought a bunch of these shrubs, that can be shaped to look like miniature trees:

Here we are on the way home with the back of my brother-in-law’s truck weighed down with plants, trees, and clay-cutter. Jennifer went back with my sister for the second batch of trees. It’ll be a lot of work getting these in the ground next weekend, but at least the ball is rolling and in a few short years our backyard might actually look more welcoming!

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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