December 24

ADV #009: Rejoice!

Adventures in Imperfect Living Catholic Podcast


Big Christmas Show! Waiting on God during Advent, Another Audio Book Recording, A HUGE Announcement forthcoming, Fun Foods For Christmas, Jennifer Watches the Hobbit with Middleschoolers, and we ambush Mac Barron from Catholic in a Small Town Podcast.

Feedback Number – 206-338-0497

This episode sponsored by eCatholic – Catholic websites made easy. Support TCND by visiting eCatholic’s website and as a listener you’ll save $50 off your first year of the Premium Package or $20 off your first year of the Essential Package!

Links mentioned in this show:

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Hi Greg and Jennifer,

    Merry Christmas! Hope your holiday was joyful and blessed as you celebrated the birth of Our Savior. I loved your Christmas Eve podcast except for one itty-bitty little problem. It won’t show up in my iTunes feed for some weird reason. I had to download it directly from the website. I even tried unsubscribing, deleting all previous episodes, and resubscribing, but that didn’t solve the problem. Did anyone else have this problem, or was it just me? What can I do to correct or avoid this problem in the future?

    At any event love the show, glad y’all are back in podcasting, and I’m praying for improvement in Greg’s job situation. Keep up the good work!

    God Bless,
    Neil Leslie

  • Neil –

    I’ve noticed the same thing, as well, and don’t quite know why that’s happening. I’ve done a lot of research last couple days, and apparently many people have experienced this with their own podcasts, but it’s completely random and all at the whim of Apple and iTunes. Last week’s show took over 24 hours to show up, but this one is almost 48 hours past due. Wish I knew a fix.

  • Hey Greg and Jennifer!! Blessed Christmas! I was thankful to God to hear about your good news coming your way (your “light at the end of the tunnel”). Can’t wait to hear what it is!

    One question for you, do you guys Ustream your podcasts too? I may have New Years Eve as a day off, and would love to join you in the “chat” in Swainsboro w/the Barrons. Hmmm, Greg, you and Mac, in the same room, kinda like The Blues Brothers, “we’re getting the band back together Jake!! THE BAND!! THE BAND!! (BTW: idea. GREAT skit if you’re there for the SQPN Marathon this year!!).

    Anyway, please let me know if you are able to to this. Thanks! Hope to “chat” w/you soon! If not, Happy 2013!

    Dan H., Norwood MA

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