July 16

Adventures #147: Sign Here

Adventures in Imperfect Living Catholic Podcast


Adventures Prayer Group Ideas, Leaving Reviews in Places Other than iTunes, Life Changers Revisited, Knocking and Seeking, and Liturgy of the Gospel. 888-299-8686 to leave feedback and be a part of the show!Become a Co-Producer!

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Want to be a part of the show?

Your voice makes the show fun for us to do! Call our feedback line and leave a message of two minutes or less at 888-299-8686 or send MP3 to [email protected].

Greg and Jennifer’s Links and Resources Mentioned

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • I really liked the Gospel by hour method you discussed for the Gospel of Luke. I’ll have to remember it for the future.

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