January 5

19 Days Until Due Date



Jennifer and Greg at 38 weeks pregnant:

And just to prove that he’s not really THAT fat, here’s Greg when he’s not shoving his stomach out (but still, this is enough to get him started on the Abs Diet this week):

And in deciding a pose for today’s Due Date Countdown picture, we took a front and back picture of Jennifer. She straightened her hair out today. She’s had straight hair for every child delivery, so in my opinion, she’s ready for labor now.

And lastly, just in case she wanted to make a donation to Locks For Love (I’m hoping not yet – I LOVE the long hair), this is how much would be cut off.

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • I’m Praying for you Jennifer! You must be very happy! You and Greg and the boys will have adjustments too make with the addition of your new little lady! It will be fabulous! When a family has both boys and girls the dynamics change! It’s all good! I have a friend who is expecting her first child,also a girl,and will be induced on Wednesday! Prayers for Lauren too! God bless! You BOTH look great!

  • Jennifer you are WAY too cute!! I’m so excited for you guys! I donated my hair to locks for love – the day I was set to go do it, my Greg said, “I really like your hair long!” Yikes, but it grows back eventually and you feel great when you donate it. Praying for your health and happiness!

  • As Lisa said, you both look good! Neither of you look over stressed or frazzled! Keeping you in our prayers!

  • Jennifer looks beautiful. I wish you both the best of luck with a easy labor.
    God Bless,

  • You look great Jennifer. I think I am showing more than you and I have 7 weeks to go before my due date! Yikes.
    I am also planning on donating my hair to locks of love, but my husband prefers it shorter.

  • Hello Greg and Jennifer,

    I just found you both on XM. I’m so happy to have found people on the radio I can relate and learn from! God bless you and your family.

    I have a couple of questions. When do find the time to pray? (morning or night) I have wo children and God willing I will have more. I have a hard time balancing home MY own hobbies and praying.
    My family does a Rosary daily but I feel with all the prayers out there that is not enough. Can you please give me some advice?

    Thank You both,


  • I thought of Jennifer when I saw one of those those late night infomercials for the hair straightening styling tools. 🙂 🙂 I hope things go well for your labor and bringing home a little girl into a home full of boys! God bless you! 🙂

  • Jennifer can’t take a bad photo. Literally full of life. I’ll let others comment on what Greg is full of. 🙂

  • Can’t believe no one has posted this yet, RE the first two pics. . . . I didn’t know you two were having twins!?! Just kidding!! You BOTH look great!! 😀 Can’t wait to hear “the announcement” (Day, time, weight, length, and NAME!!)



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