June 25

Birthday Girl



Yesterday was Jennifer’s birthday and we did all that we could to try to give her the best day possible.

The day started early with all of the boys giving her her presents. When I was a kid, we usually did birthday presents at the end of the day. Now that we have kids, though, we always seem to give presents first thing in the morning, or right after school on school days. That way there is more time to enjoy the presents on the actual birthday.

One of the things we got Jennifer were new bluetooth headphones which she seems pretty happy with. I’ll post an Amazon link at the bottom of this so you can see what they look like.

She also got a set of Coldplay CDs, and one of her old cell phones that Walter wrapped up and decided to give back to her, even though she has no use for it. But she was thankful, nevertheless. And the phone is back in Walter’s possession again. Gee, who could have predicted that?

She also got a Carvel ice cream cake, which is a sentimental thing from her childhood.  We thought they could only be purchased in New York, but apparently the grocery store up the street has been carrying them for years.

I think the thing she was most surprised by, however, was during our show when people from her past and present kept calling in throughout the program to wish her happy birthday.

Thanks to our producer Adam for contacting everyone and helping to make that happen.  As the show went on and Jennifer heard from more and more people she knew, the happier she seemed to get.  It started to have the feel of “This is Your Life,” and was a lot of fun.

Thanks to my mom and dad, her brother John with his creepy old woman voice, Kristi for the Elvis serenade, Fr. Leo Patalinghug who was on a hiking trip with seminarians, Jennifer’s mom and dad, Moose from Kaiteur Coffeehouse, Wendy from Jennifer’s high school days, and Amy (who had to identify herself as actually being in our wedding party and the one who leant Jennifer her wedding dress before Jennifer recognized who she was talking to).

I hope she had a good day.

And for the record, she’s 39.  For the first time.  Honestly.

Here are the headphones we got Jennifer:

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • She doesn’t look a day over 29!!!!!!!!!! What an awesome wife and mom!!! Lucky guy!

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