January 24

Due Date is Here. Now Where’s the Baby?



So we started the day with Jennifer having some hard contractions between 5 and 6 AM.

After that, not much else.

Per a listener’s recommendation, we had fresh pineapple for breakfast. That didn’t work to bring on contractions.

Around noon a friend came over to watch the boys so we could go power walking around the mall. That didn’t work either.

Jennifer and I decided to take advantage of being out by ourselves, and her mother had taken over watching the boys, so we went and saw Marley and Me. Good movie. But that didn’t work, either.

Now we’re going to Mass, just in case the baby comes tonight or tomorrow.

But at the rate we’re going, maybe a birth on the radio Monday is not out of the question.

Stay tuned…

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Are you sure your little sweetheart is not trying for a February birthday???

    This is from a mother of 5 – four girls, one boy!

    May the Lord’s blessings be with you–


  • Jennifer, you look GREAT to be expecting a baby at ANY MOMENT! (You look great always, but you look like your glowing!) Love to the whole crew!!!

  • Wow guys, we just got home from Eric’s Confirmation and I came here first thing, positive that I would see baby photos! The anticipation is killing us, so I know you must be so anxious. Every day last week, Adam and I would jump in the car in the morning on the way to school and turn on the radio to see if she had arrived yet. You have the prayers of our family – we are so excited along with you. Funny, on Friday when we were listening to you on the way to school, we had a protracted conversation about labor and delivery, so thanks for the reminder to review that “family life” topic with my 8th grader. Adam’s learned a lot this week about the whole process by living this vicariously with the two of you on your show. I’m sure it’s that way for families all across the country who feel we are friends with you thanks to the way in which you share your lives with us! Prayers for a smooth, safe, happy delivery whenever she decides to grace us with her presence!
    Auntie Lisa

  • Hey Guys,
    I hope this doesn’t mean this little “Angel” isn’t going to be stubborn!

    I have a suggestion but unfortunately I can’t put it on the website, Sorry!

    I told my mom this morning about the boys and this being a girl, she thought that was so cool.

    God and the baby will let you know when its time. Keep your patience and she will come when she is ready. She is probably not done thinking about how she is going to conquer having four brothers and when she has a plan she will arrive!

    God Bless your family,

  • Hi Greg and Jennifer,
    My name is Patrick and I listen to your show on the The Catholic Channel most every day during the week when I’m driving. I have been following the events leading up to your little girl’s birth and with my wife, we hope and pray for a safe birth and look forward to your new little child of God! Bring on the pictures!

    God Bless your family,
    Norton, OH

  • Hey Greg and Jennifer, what’s going on in the background of your picture? Looks like someone is laying on the ground and another person is standing on top of them? I have four boys myself, so I can certainly see that scenario being true.

  • I think that maybe she wants to wait and be born of the feast of St. John Bosco, the patron of young people. May God Bless you and the family (especially the new baby!)

  • That’s so funny that you tried all of those things to induce contractions. I don’t think Marley and Me is meant for that sort of thing, ha ha. I’m so excited for you and your family! Everyone is so antsy to know when, I’m sure the anticipation is killing you even more! I pray that everything goes well and that the Lord blesses your family in this joyous time!

    Your friend,

    ~Pat Padley

  • Odd number of ideas to try to have the baby come out. Hopefully the abby will come soon but it seems that indeed this baby is coming with a bunch of firsts (being late for one thing).

    All the best!

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