January 16

Eight Days Until Due Date: Place Yer Bets (VIDEO)!



Checking the BabySo we’re down to just single digits in the number of days until the baby’s due date.

Lots of people are trying to guess the name (we’re still not telling!) but here’s the chance for you to have bragging rights. Leave a comment with your guess for:

  • baby’s name
  • when you think she’ll arrive
  • her weight
  • her length

No prizes awarded, but you’ll forever have the right to say, “I knew it!”

Oh, and if you want to know what the baby’s using, be sure the find out here.

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • If the weather is anything like it is today on the day your baby is born I’m hoping you name her Chilly Willits.

  • I’m going with Theresa Rose Willits. After Mother Theresa & the beautiful flower she will be. 🙂 Although, I admit, I like “Chilly” Willits!!! At least for a nickname!

  • I’m not too good at measurements, but I’ll try and guess the name : )

    I’m going to go with “Hannah” — Every Catholic family needs a “Hannah.”

    Have you considered the name Joshette? ; )

    Blessings to you guys and your little girl. I bet the boys are going crazy!

    – Joshua

  • Okay, this is fun 🙂 –
    how about a weight of 7 lbs. 1/2 an oz. 🙂
    length – 20 in. 🙂
    I think it would be wonderful if she was born on the 21st – the Feast of St. Agnes.
    And, for her name — Therese Marie — isn’t that pretty? 🙂 After St. Therese (and Mother Teresa since she took her name from St. Therese – and Mother Teresa was born Gonxcha Agnes which goes with the St. Agnes Feast Day birthday), and Marie for Our Blessed Mother of course. 🙂

    I’m so excited for you guys!

    Prayers and Blessings,

  • Hi Jennifer and Greg. I’ve been following you through Rosary Army and now through the website for a couple of years. I just had my 4th baby in May, so I can relate to the new baby thing. Here’s my wild guess:

    Sarah Grace Willits
    January 22
    21 inches
    8 lbs, 2 oz.

    Good luck next week!

  • I was trying to get ideas on the name from the boys’ names, and, well, I got nothin’. So I’ll just go with date, weight and length. I’m gonna guess January 23, 7lbs. 8 oz., 19 inches.

  • I was listening to your show yesterday driving to a clergy conference in Cambridge, MD. I didn’t bring my cell phone with me so I was just enjoying all the wonderful suggestions for a name. I was pretty settled in my own mind on Mary and then I moved a bit to Miriam, both of which were suggested by callers. Then I thought of Kate and liked the sound of Kate Willits. My mother was Katerine but always went by Kaye. I was thinking how well St. Catherine of Siena did with the boys in her day, Popes and Kings, and figured Kate would be a good name for a little girl with four big brothers. Then a name came to me out of nowhere, a name I don’t think I’ve ever heard but a very Catholic name nonetheless – Aquina. I thought of it as a feminine form of Aquinas which is really a place name but I liked the sound of it and it really is sooo Catholic. Then today on my drive home from the conference I was again listening to the Catholic Channel and a Dominican signed off his show as Fr. Aguinas! That did it for me. If there can be a Fr. Aquinas there could be a beautiful Catholic girl named Aquina.

  • I do not discuss the weight or ages of women. Learned that a long time ago. As for the name…

    Mary Leah Willits

    There really are no other options. End of discussion.

    — Uncle Jeb

  • I believe she will be born on Sunday, 18, 2009. 7:32 a.m. (get up early Greg)
    She will weigh 8 lbs 2 oz.
    She will be 19 1/4 in. long, 8 inches wide and 7 1/2 inches deep
    The circumfrence of the head will be… ok now I am going too far.

    Name her Augusta Marie Willits.
    Augusta (for a city in the state where she will be born, and for St. Augustine)
    Marie (for our Blessed Mother)
    Willits (because it would be odd to have a different last name than either of you)

  • I am thinking Sunday January 18th just as you get those kiddos in bed for school the next day. Her weight will be 7 pounds 11 ounces, she will be 18 inches long and her name would be Ava Louise.

    Good Luck. Can’t wait to hear what happens and when.

  • Oh yeah… the essentials…
    Date: Tuesday, January 20th.
    weight:7lbs., 7oz. (just for luck)
    length: just over 19″, but not quite 20.

    And I will concur with Jenny and settle for
    MARY THERESA or a version thereof. 🙂
    Theresa Marie…

    or just plain ol’ “Sugar-britches” ’cause there’s
    gold in them there diapers! 😉

  • Can Auntie Robbie have two guesses? My first is Mary Margaret (or Margaret Mary) and call her Maggie…we could use a Maggie in the family. Second guess is not after a saint, but after the Angel Gabriel, only the female version…Gabriella (it came to me in a dream..haha) We already have an Abby…why not a Gabby as well.

    My hope is that she arrives on Gramps birthday…January 25th, and my guess for weight/height is 8 lbs. 3 oz…21 inches.

  • Dear Greg and Jennifer, no guesses from me yet but thank you for this update. Love to hear from you this way.

    God bless, Ronald

  • Mom – You’re relentless! And you want us to wait for Dad’s birthday, no less.

    @Adrianne – Did you follow the link a the bottom of the post to learn the history of the joke?

  • Hi!
    this is so much fun…

    b/c she will be your family’s angel and

    for our Blessed Mother!


  • Been a long time since I listened but I do check this website. So I just HAD to chime in:

    Name: Leah Rachel Willits
    Date: Jan. 24 (go into labor near midnight), born early AM Jan. 25
    Weight: 7 lbs. 15 ozs.
    Length: 19 1/2 inches

    No matter what, I pray for a safe delivery and a healthy mom and baby.

  • My guess:

    Margaret Elizabeth nick name Daisy
    but her brothers will call her “stinky pants”

    born the morning of Jan 23rd after just 4 hours of labor

    8 lbs, 4 oz & 19 1/2 inches

    Can’t wait to hear the happy news.

  • It just came to me while I was having my prayer time…I bet it is Joyce Marie, after RA soldier Joyce who had a straight shot to heaven & who I know without a doubt is praying for all of us. WOW..MOM

  • I think Sarah Elizabeth will be born on 1/20/09 and weigh 8 lbs and 21 inches long!! PS: That is my daughters name.

  • Here are my two cents:
    Faith Georgia Willits
    9 lbs 7 oz
    22 inches

    Blessings to you and your family!

  • We think this is a great name
    Julianna Marie Willits
    born on 1/24/09
    Weight 7 lbs 12 oz
    Lenth 19.5 inches

  • Praying for you guys!

    Name: Leia (first or middle)/Mary
    Will Arrive: January 22
    Weight: 7lb 3oz
    Length: 18 inches

  • The first name ‘has’ to be Princess, there’s no doubt in my mind. (Even if it isn’t registered on the birth certificate, Greg will think of her as his little princess). So I think Princess Leia Maria Willits will grace us with her presence January 23rd, at a whopping 7 lbs 11oz, 21.5 inches! (God only knows, but it’s fun to guess!!!)

    God bless!

    ps Princess Leia, ‘come on down’, the price was right!

  • Rebekka, biblical matriarch, goes well with Willits and the syllables roll nicely. Also, Bekka is a cute nickname. When will she arrive? Probably nice and late on Friday (Jan 23), maybe 11pmish.
    7 lbs 7oz, 20 in

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