October 1

Failed Family Photos and Send Your Pic to the Pope



Want to send your family photo to Pope Benedict XVI? To have it included in a mural including 7,000 other photos, send your photo to [email protected] or [email protected]. Make sure it is less than 4MB in size and in JPG or GIF format. No cell phone pictures!

To the left is one of our attempted Christmas picture photo shoots. The final version ended up being a combination of these that were all photoshopped together, but I wasn’t able to find the final version.

But this series of shots pretty much sums up a typical photo shoot with our boys!

Thanks to Father Frank Pravone from Priests For Life for stopping by the program today. Be sure to check out his new website at PoliticalResponsibility.com.

Thanks also to Harald Stuckle from Beck’s Brewery in Germany for being on today’s The Catholics Next Door.

Harald successfully made me very, very thirsty for some Beck’s!

And below is the family photo that was in our parish directory, complete with Hawaiian shirts. We trimmed this particular photo so unfortunately you don’t see the full effect of the ugly black square the photographer made Tommy sit on, but it was fully in view in the final directory.

Got a great family photo story? Share it!

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Just think, for next year’s picture, you can have “Baby Girl” Willits as the “centerpiece” and two boys on either side of her like her bodyguards!! 😉
    BTW, as an update, I made my first all-twine rosary today!!! (Clouds open up, chorus of angels, “Hallelujah!!” And there was MUCH rejoicing. . . .Hooray!!).


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