November 3

Homemade Costumes



Halloween1This past Saturday’s Halloween was all about homemade costumes for us this year.

Jennifer, in particular, did a bang-up job planning it all, but we also have to thank my mom for helping out with a costume for Lily.

And, of course, Sam came through with his typically creativity for homemade costumes, too.

In summary, Sam (almost 12) was a Star Wars bounty hunter of some sort, Walt (almost 10) was a dead ram thing (don’t ask), Ben (7) was a LEGO brick, Tom (5) was a traffic light (notice he’s wearing a t-shirt for “The Catholics Next Door”, and Lily (9 months) was a nun.

Here’s Lily in her homemade Nun’s habit:

Ben’s LEGO costume:

Costume contest at a local church party (you can see Tommy’s lit-up stoplight costume for which he won first prize):

We had an old skeleton costume that Walt once wore in an episode of That Catholic Show.  And Sam, for some reason, made a mask of a ram’s skull.  So Walt went as a dead ram/skeleton thing.  We still don’t know what this was supposed to be.

Jennifer’s mom with “Sister” Lily:

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • I absolutely love your show. I started listening to the Catholic channel while driving to Dallas, Texas and back home to Ozona, Texas
    over the past 7 months which is a 6 hour drive because my Mother is terminally ill. I cannot even begin to express to you both how much you have enlightened my life. There were so many times I have felt utterly despondent and hopeless but your words and conversations have made a difficult time in my life meaningful and hopeful which in turn has given me the energy to go.
    God Bless you both.
    Peace, Katie Friend

    ps. Ozona is a very small town 209 miles straight west of San Antonio.

  • So brilliant! Those costumes are fantastic. I love your kids.

    Also, are you watching FOOTBALL in those pictures? Hm.

  • Hey guys! I am new to the Catholic Channel and love you guys and your show!!! It’s amazing how many things perfect strangers have in common…..the “house for sale” issue, boys (no girls for me 🙁 ), and I HATE belly buttons…and of course I’m Catholic! I confess, I probably have more lint in my belly button because I just don’t go there! Cleaning that newborn belly button thing….well, let’s just say that was allll my hubby’s job 😉 Love your sweet family!

  • Hey guys! Long time, no commenting! Sorry about that, work and family have had me busy!

    Anyway, LOVED all of the costumes. I’ve got one better for Lily. . . if you used the hospital blankets that you got to take home from when she was born, the blue stripes on them would have her look like Blessed Mother Teresa!! :-p

    In Jesus, Through Mary,


  • Hi, Willits family! I was Sam’s school counselor back in 2005! I just randomly thought of you guys and remembered your website so thought I’d see what you were up to. I am so impressed with all that you have built with your show and RosaryArmy. It was always so evident that your family was full of passion and love and would do great things. Please tell Sam hello for me. I hope everyone is doing well. I can’t get over that he is that old! I have two babies of my own now…best thing in the world. 🙂
    All the best,

    Lynn Rummel

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