February 18

UPDATE: Mediterranean Cruise – 10 Spots Just Opened Up!



We are so excited to announce that from May 14-21 we’ll be joining Fr. Leo Patalinghug from Grace Before Meals for an incredible 7-Night Mediterranean Cruise and we want YOU to come along with us!

Ports of call include Rome, Cannes, Barcelona, Tunisia, and more. Plus you’ll get to join us and Fr. Leo for private cooking demonstrations, wine tastings, and an absolute ton of fun with other listeners of The Catholics Next Door.

Click here for a PDF file with more information

UPDATE: We just found out Holland America has given us 10 extra spots for YOU to join us on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but it’s going to go VERY fast!

This offer expired on February 15th, but this extension was just offered and will run out quickly. If you have ANY questions at all or to make your reservations today, call Corporate Travel Service at 1-800-727-1999 x 158, 116 or 161. Make sure you tell them you’re a part of The Catholics Next Door to take part in this special opportunity!

This will be our first trip to Europe and our first cruise ever, and we’re looking forward to having you be a part of this once in a lifetime experience!

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Happy 2011!! YOU GUYS!?!? 😀 I heard Fr. Leo “promoing” this cruise w/Teresa Tomeo on EWTN earlier this week! I WISH our family could go on this cruise with “ya’ll”. Unfortunately, my current job situation can’t allow me to book anything that far in advance. After the winter we’re having, I’ll be needing a cruise by May too!! Another 12 – 18 inches coming to Boston by next Tuesday! (Happy-happy, Joy-joy!)

    Will the kids be joining you on this cruise? That would be a great experience for them, to be on a cruise ship at such a young age. I have cruised before, but only as an adult. The first one my wife and I went on as a married couple was a Disney Cruise. GREAT combo of the cruise ship life and Disney themes throughout the ship! Highly recommended for your next adventure!




    P.S. Sorry about the Atlanta Falcons, misery loves company, I guess!! (A N.E. Patriots fan!! 🙁 ).

    • Update to the P.S.: BTW, I wrote this BEFORE listening to your “Patriots/Brady” rant on your last podcast episode! (insert Marge Simpson, “HMMMMMM!!”) I guess the Patriots are now the football version of the Yankees. Remember back in 2001/2002 season, after 9/11, they were the underdogs, “America’s team”, a symbol of “Patriot”ism!?! How quickly we forget!

  • hello,
    I just wanted to wish you all a safe journey and may extra angels join you in your travel. May Godbless you and continue to bless you a thousand fold I just started listening to your pod casts and I must say I enjoy them much especially the video podcasts you did . And for all in the east coast of America who like me will be battling the snow this week I pray that you will all be safe and protected from the cold and from all of its dangers.
    Take care.

  • April and I would love to join you on this cruise. Looks like we’ll have to pass, though, we’re planning trips to KC for the CNMC and the Philippines for Christmas. Our prayers with you, Fr. Leo and the rest of your companions on this special pilgrimage. Maybe next time.

  • Shannon –

    We’d love to have had you guys join us! Not sure when/if we’ll get a chance to do something like this again, but we didn’t expect this opportunity, either, so who knows?

  • Sounds like a really Fun trip..wish I had the money to join you guys! Maybe you guys can do a giveaway and give the trip to someone! 😉 Love listening to your show! I am Lutheran but have been reading a lot about Catholicism.

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