September 29

Magnificat, Bible Studies, and a Gross Picture



Amazing topics on today’s show. For those of you keeping track, Universalis is the place I recommended for Liturgy of the Hours online. Someone else called in and recommended eBreviery (sorry, I can’t remember who it was!)

Thanks to Paul Snatchko from Magnificat Magazine for stopping by the program, as well. You can request a free sample copy of Magnificat from the link above, or by calling 866-273-5215.

While discussing potential Bible Studies, Deacon Bob from New Jersey called in and recommended the Ignatius Study Bible, which, to my surprise, I discovered we already own several copies of this. Guess I should open them up again! Oops! I thought these were more like the Navarre Bible series, but apparently there’s an actual study section to them, too. Go figure! Thanks, Deacon Bob, for the heads up!

Thanks also to Fr. Bill Kessler from the Technopriest Podcast for his regular Monday morning visit to explain Sunday’s Gospel to us!

OK, so onto the pictures for today, including the gross one we promised. We’ll save that one for last.

For starters, the above is today’s studio shot taken during the show. It’s a prayer card of Pope John Paul II. It actually belongs to our friend Paul Camarata (from the SaintCast Podcast). We had a close call with Jennifer’s pregnancy a few months ago, and Paul gave this card to Jennifer. It’s actually a relic (third class, I believe) of Pope John Paul II, taken from one of his garments.

Anyway, Jennifer put it on our desk the other day, and it’s nice have JP2 staring at us during the show.

Paul – um – I guess we should probably send this back to you, eh?

Oh, and that’s not the gross picture we mentioned.

Below, for our producer Adam, is a photo of a Cheesy Biscuit with Butter from a local BBQ restaurant. During a break, Jennifer and I were talking about how hungry we were. When Adam was here during our first week of shows, we took him to this restaurant. He remembered the Cheesy Biscuits and today he reminded us of them. So we went and got some. And then we sent him this picture to taunt him.

This isn’t the gross picture, either.

OK, this, too, isn’t the gross picture. But we’re getting closer. This is our dog Jody. Oftentimes during a broadcast, she comes into the room looking very needy. This means if we don’t pet her, she’ll start making noises. While we’re on the air. That wouldn’t be good. So we pet her. A lot.

Lately, Jody has had nasty dry skin. When we scratch her back to keep her quiet, she sheds. A lot.

Now THIS is the gross picture, at least to me. During every show, I put my laptop on the ground behind me. So it’s there on the carpet, out of harm’s way.

So during today’s show, I’m petting Jody for about five minutes to keep her quiet until we go to break when I can take her downstairs and distract her somehow.

After just a few minutes of petting her, my laptop was covered with shedded dog hair, and flakes of nasty dry dead dog skin.

You can’t see it very well in this smaller picture, but click on it and see it bigger. I dare you.

To some, this is probably no big deal. But this is probably the hardest part of having a dog to me. Hair, hair, everywhere. The sheer amount of shedding is just utterly disgusting, especially with the added doggie dandruff.

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • I completely agree with you about the whole dog hair thing. I am a complete neat freak about my living space. Unfortunately, I’ve picked one of the messiest careers, veterinary medicine. I’m in my fist year of school now, and let me tell you, NOTHING is ever completely free of hair or other mess. I’ve come to accept the presence of dog hair in my life, but it sure is nice to escape to my house where it’s nice and clean 🙂

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