January 25

One Day PAST Due Date – Walking Contractions



You’d think that since we’re about to have our fifth kid that we’d have somewhat of a clue as to what’s going on with this labor.

But it was on Tuesday we found out Jennifer was 3cm dilated and every day since then there have been intermittent periods of ongoing contractions.

Today has been a long day of regular but sometimes infrequent contractions.

Things were slowing down so now we’re out walking. Yes, I’m typing this from the walking trail.

Though the baby is taking her own sweet time getting here, I feel like we’re already making very distinct memories from this experience.

Jennifer just said that she’s had one long prolonged contraction the entire time we’ve been walking, and we’re just coming up on a mile now.

Anything could happen at this point. She could be out in a few hours, tomorrow, or next week. For now, we’re just moving forward and we’re thankful for your prayers.

About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Hopefully she’ll be 5-7 cm by the time you get to the hospital! All of those contractions should be doing *something*.

  • GOD BLESS you both…all in GOD’s time, and it will be worth the wait I’m sure….Good Luck

  • Wishing you the best. Hope your not on the show tomorrow and in the hospital holding an adorable, precious little daughter!

    Good Luck and keep walking.

    Lisa T

  • Well as we can see, these babies come out according to their readiness. That’s what we used to teach when I was a Bradley childbirth educator. Not to discourage you, but each of my 3 pregnancies went 9 or 10 days after the due date, even after we adjusted dates for a later conception, which we knew by charting. Can you take a warm bath tonight?
    Prayers for you both, for peace and ease.
    Jen D, NJ

  • This is meant to be encouraging, so I hope that it will be. My number three baby was six days past due. My contractions started on my due date and continued off and on for the next six days. By the time the actual birthday arrived, we went to a wedding and then to the hospital. The wedding was at 2pm the baby was born at 8:17. It was the most relaxed delivery I have ever had (out of four)and I was energetic and well rested for the most part, because those contractions had done some work all week. The moral of the story is try to be patient and rest up in between those long walks! You have our continued prayers!

  • Greg & Jennifer,
    I found your site a few weeks ago. Jennifer, I am in almost the same boat you are. I’m due tomorrow and he won’t get out. Good luck to you. You are in my prayers.

  • You get the idea that your daughter is waiting while mom “practices” being in labor? Hope it’s not too much longer. Praying for a quick and safe delivery…SOON!!

  • I was walking around having contractions for about a week for my first and was 3.5 cm dialted for about the same amount of time! I had contractions for about 5 hours for my second, I had contractions for about 7.5 hours for my third and about 4 days worth of contractions for my fourth and then like I said earlier they were close enought to go to the hospital and I went and they stopped so I huffed arouund the hospital for about an hour and then my water broke and she arrived. So EVERY baby is different obviously and she must just really like being inside the womb with you Jennifer!!! Maybe all of those boys intimidate her!!! LOL! Best of luck for a Speedy and great, relaxing delivery! All of those contractions have to be helping the process! You are in my prayers!

  • OOOOO I’m so excited!! I thought I would have listened today to find out that you already delivered! I will be praying for a quick and easy delivery. Can’t wait to see pictures! God bless!

  • Wow, I think that the radio was a repeat this morning on the way to work so I hope all is speeding up and there will be a new girl today. Good luck and god Bless.
    From Cheri in Whitehorse Yukon Territory Canada.

  • Jennifer Junior is just waiting to make a suitably dramatic entrance 🙂 Seriously, I will be praying for a safe labor and delivery. God Bless!

  • You need to go get some mexican cheese enchiladas. They are the best for past due dates. Go and enjoy. 🙂

  • Hope everything is progressing well. My #1 grandchild, a baby girl, was born this morning (02:20 GMT). I will be praying for you. God bless

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