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June 9

Radio Archive #15: Summer Reading Lists and Lino Rulli

Podcasts, Radio Archive, Rosary Army Podcast


cndpodcastrss1Courtesy of Sirius 159/XM 117 (The Catholic Channel), it’s The Catholics Next Door podcast! Featuring segments from The Catholics Next Door and occasional extra surprises, you can get a full three hours of The Catholics Next Door, Monday through Friday from 10AM to 1PM EST, only from Sirius/XM. Sign up today!

In this episode: We take audience suggestions for summer reading and talk to Lino Rulli about his life as a single man, dating, and the expectations of marriage.

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About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Boy, I really enjoyed your visit with Lino. Someone once told me that that is one of the duties of a happily married couple, to help other’s, who are discerning the vocation to marriage, know what it’s all about.

  • Hello you guys. I’m just catching up to your podcast with Lino Rulli. I was in stitches listening to the conversation regarding the one question that has to come up when you are in the same little small room in the house with a throne in it.
    Oh how funny…and so true. After 30 years of marriage the questions still come up. Like..Do you have to go…(fill in the blank) or Did you spray?…or Do you do that at work? And if so why here? What did you eat?
    Yeah…the beat goes on and on and on and on…..
    Thanks for the belly laughs

  • After attending the CNMC this past weekend, I pulled up your show and this was the first podcast I heard. Imagine my surprise when you opened with The Great Brain first on your summer reading list! We are reading that out loud in our house after dinner right now. My 6 yr and 9 yr old daughters love it! We’re on the 4th book in the series right now.

    Another good series for boys is (anything) by Lloyd Alexander. The Chronicles of Prydain has five books in the series, with a book of short stories written after. Westmark has 3 books in the series. Great story about coming of age, finding your self-identity.

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