November 17

Radio Archive #34: Fr. Larry Richards and Paying Attention During Mass

Podcasts, Radio Archive, Rosary Army Podcast


cndpodcastrss1Fr. Larry Richards talks about his new book, Be A Man! Also, we talk about paying attention during Mass. This podcast is courtesy of Sirius 159/XM 117 (The Catholic Channel). You can get a full three hours of The Catholics Next Door, Monday through Friday from 10AM to 1PM EST, only from Sirius/XM. Sign up today!

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About the author 


Greg is married to Jennifer. They've got five kids.

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  • Hé Greg and Jennifer!

    Love your show (TCND podcast)! Got to know you via Fr. Roderick, my fellow Dutchman. As a 16 years old boy he came to our Emmanuel youth weekends in The Netherlands (US link: Check it out! Great for families!). Now I’m in (a village near) Brussels, Belgium, considering a poscast ‘Catholic Biologist’, witch I am. (Pray for me!!! and any good advise is welcome!).

    About distraction during ass and in prayer life in general: what helps me a lot is going on a retreat in complete silence, at least every year. The jesuits gie these retrats, 8 days in silence! It is a great experience once you got the taste of it. It’s less hard then you would expect. You become more ‘silent en listening in your evreyday life. Maybe you have the experience already.

    Wish you alle the best I pray for you finding baby sitters (our kids: 6, from 24 to 11 years ols, only one girl, third in the row). God has always provides with what we needed, so I think He will help you out at the otehr side of the pond, don’t you think?

    God blees and continue the good work you are doing!!


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