Adventures #106:

We excitedly launch, talk about Hurricane Joaquin and the South Carolina Floods, share the history of Willits Taco Parties, and encourage you to share your one family’s speciality with others. 888-299-8686 to leave feedback and be a part of the show!

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Want to be a part of the show?

Your voice makes the show fun for us to do! Call our feedback line and leave a message of two minutes or less at 888-299-8686 or send MP3 to [email protected].

Links and Resources Mentioned


Like the music we use in the show?  It’s all courtesy of Popple.  Awesome band.  Check them out and support them.

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ADV #065: Sacred Heart of Jesus

Praise and Worship Jam Session During a Taco Party, First Root Canal for Jennifer, Catholic Vitamins, Sacred Heart Enthronement, How to Pray, Finding Catholic Communities, NFP for Teens, and more!

Your Voice is Important to the Show – Feedback Number: 888-299-8686

Want to be a part of the show? Your voice makes the show fun for us to do! Call our feedback line and leave a message of two minutes or less at 888-299-8686 or send MP3 to [email protected].

More From Greg and Jennifer

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Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Greg’s Sacred Heart of Jesus Painting on RedBubble
Greg’s Sacred Heart of Jesus Painting on Fine Art America
Greg and Jennifer’s Advent MP3
Endow Groups
Catholic Vitamins


Like the music we use in the show?  It’s all courtesy of Popple.  Awesome band.  Check them out and support them.

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