Total Consecration Revisited with Fr. Edward Looney

Resources for Religious Education, an EMDR update, free Webinar on St. Damien and Queen Kapi’olani of Hawaii, Walt had teeth ripped from his face, and Fr. Edward Looney joins us to talk about 2 books including Behold the Handmaid of the Lord – a primer on St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary

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dual enrollment

ADV #217: Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment and this episode’s Imperfect Living Highlights

In this episode we dive into Dual Enrollment for the eternal life, how Jennifer has more Instagram followers than Greg, how to overcome fear, and the benefits of trying to fit into the cookie cutter mold of the School of Mary.

How to Get More Instagram Followers

Apparently Jennifer has figured out the solution of how to get more instagram followers because, despite only publishing 10 pictures in the last year, she has more followers than Greg.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment in the afterlife is impossible.  You either choose heaven or you choose hell.  It’s impossible to have a foot in both.  And yet, we constantly strive for exactly that type of life here on earth.  We often want our heavenly reward while also living fully submersed in the niceties of this material world.  We dive into how to take steps to not only choosing the correct path, but how to stay there, and overcoming fear along the way.

The School of Mary

The phrase, The School of Mary, is seldom used these days.  Nevertheless, as St. Louis Marie de Montfort points out in Preparation for Total Consecration, Mary provides the absolutely perfect solution and model of being a disciple.  We break down the 10 virtues Mary has, and how she wants to teach us how to live more virtuous lives, as well.

Thanks to all of our Patreon co-producers, and a special thanks this week to one-time Paypal Tipper Phil who did us a special kindness!

Links, books and other resources mentioned on this episode:

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ADV #002: Dogma

In this episode Greg and Jennifer talk about a new family member, sick dogs, theme songs, 33 Days to Total Consecration, and family updates.

This episode sponsored by eCatholic – Catholic websites made easy. Support TCND by visiting eCatholic’s website and as a listener you’ll save $50 off your first year of the Premium Package or $20 off your first year of the Essential Package!

Links mentioned in this show:

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Radio Archive #47: Total Consecration

cndpodcastrss1In this episode: In this episode: What is Total Consecration and why would someone want to do this? Isn’t it just about of Mary worship? Greg and Jennifer give the lowdown. This podcast is courtesy of Sirius 159/XM 117 (The Catholic Channel). You can get a full three hours of The Catholics Next Door, Monday through Friday from 10AM to 1PM EST, only from Sirius/XM. Sign up today!

Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes and other podcast aggregators with this RSS URL:

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