ADV #037: Spotless Lamb

TCND_037Keeping Mementos from Our Pasts, Presentation vs. Circumcision, The Cup of Christ and the Spotless Lamb, and Creating New Forms of Revenue to Save For Retirement. VOICEMAIL: 888-299-8686 or send MP3 to [email protected].

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Adventures in Imperfect Living Catholic Podcast with Rosary Army founders Greg and Jennifer Willits

Help Me Decide On My Next Project

I enjoy helping other people be successful. I’ve been doing this for over a decade in not only developing and running non-profits, but in helping people behind the scenes to do the same.

Lately I’ve been working to develop ways to not only build ways of providing for my family’s future, but in creating other products and services that improve other people’s lives and help them to help others.

To this point, I’d appreciate your input as to what things I could do that would most benefit you. If you would, please take less than ONE MINUTE to answer this two question survey:

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