Comic: Designated Chopper

I am apparently our home’s designated chopper.  When something needs chopped, somehow I’m always standing around doing nothing, and thus I am handed a knife and cutting board.  We’ve gone into our freezer and found leftover onions I chopped months (years?) before.

Interestingly, when I showed this particular strip to my therapist, she found this fascinating and suggested I was trying to express something much deeper.  Perhaps this is a metaphor for the way I tend to exert more energy in tasks than necessary.  I attach myself to situations more closely than I should, leaving me with little energy and sometimes overwhelming emotions.

Personally, I think this strip is just about the fact that I’m the one who always ends up cutting the onions.

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Comic: Rude Awakening

This *never* happens in our house.  *Ahem*

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Imperfect Living - Creative Therapy

Comic: Creative Therapy

So yeah, I’ve been in pretty intensive therapy lately.  And my therapist doesn’t look like this dude at all.  But Jennifer suggested I somehow work what I’m going through into a comic strip, and of course I couldn’t take that request entirely serious.  So this is what you get.  Happy Friday!


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