Adventures #115: Forgiving Lino Rulli

Forgiving Lino Rulli after a several years rift, YouTube Channel Idea Feedback, Basement Organizing, Pushing Ahead When Struggling With Faith, and More! 888-299-8686 to leave feedback and be a part of the show! Become a Co-Producer!

Not sure how to listen to, download, or subscribe to a podcast?  Check out this video.

Want to be a part of the show?

Your voice makes the show fun for us to do! Call our feedback line and leave a message of two minutes or less at 888-299-8686 or send MP3 to [email protected].

Links and Resources Mentioned

Past Archive Podcasts Mentioned


Like the music we use in the show?  It’s all courtesy of Popple.  Awesome band.  Check them out and support them.

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Adventures #114: Interim Pants

Staycation Expectations, Clothes to wear when losing weight, Greg back on the Catholic Channel, Christmas Grazing, Celebrating Advent, Mac and Katherine’s Upcoming Trip, and more! 888-299-8686 to leave feedback and be a part of the show! Become a Co-Producer!

Not sure how to listen to, download, or subscribe to a podcast?  Check out this video.

Want to be a part of the show?

Your voice makes the show fun for us to do! Call our feedback line and leave a message of two minutes or less at 888-299-8686 or send MP3 to [email protected].

Links and Resources Mentioned

Past Archive Podcasts Mentioned


Like the music we use in the show?  It’s all courtesy of Popple.  Awesome band.  Check them out and support them.

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Radio Archive #15: Summer Reading Lists and Lino Rulli

cndpodcastrss1Courtesy of Sirius 159/XM 117 (The Catholic Channel), it’s The Catholics Next Door podcast! Featuring segments from The Catholics Next Door and occasional extra surprises, you can get a full three hours of The Catholics Next Door, Monday through Friday from 10AM to 1PM EST, only from Sirius/XM. Sign up today!

In this episode: We take audience suggestions for summer reading and talk to Lino Rulli about his life as a single man, dating, and the expectations of marriage.

Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes and other podcast aggregators with this RSS URL:

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