Comic: Gym Rat
Exercise programs are a continual work in progress for me that happen in very intense bursts. Once I get going I’m usually pretty good about keeping it up, but all it takes is an extended holiday and I’ll allow myself to get knocked off course. And then, when I start back, I’m always frustrated about how long it takes for significant results.
I’m sure this is just me, though.
P.S. Patrons – Keep an eye out later today for your exclusive FREE time lapse video of the creation of this strip!
Comic: Rude Awakening
This *never* happens in our house. *Ahem*
ADV #211: The Intensive Outpatient
Much love and support came to Greg and Jennifer from last week’s news. We celebrated Lily’s 9th birthday. Greg shared some of what he’s learned from his intensive group therapy and we recite the Litany of Trust prayer.
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