What’s Going On With This Website?

TCND Partial LogoOk, I know it’s been a ridiculously long time since I posted ongoing items here on the site. But trust me, it’s not for lack of working on it!

Here’s the deal: We have more websites than I can count on one hand, and most of them relate to our Rosary Army apostolate. Since last October, I’ve been working with another development group to cleanly merge all of our sites together in a way that makes sense, is still helpful, and hopefully still fun. Merging that many sites while hosting a radio show, running a non-profit, being married, and having 5 kids is kind of tough, apparently.

But we’re making progress.

In fact, 90% of the coding is done on the site and right now I’m just working on a lot of graphics and getting the content set up.

Though “The Catholics Next Door” is not technically a Rosary Army ministry, because Jennifer and I both host that show and run Rosary Army, we decided that we will incorporate this site into the new one. So when you go to RosaryArmy.com, you’ll also have immediate access to The Catholics Next Door and our other ministries.

My thinking was that it wasn’t going to take so long for this to happen, but as it is I’m running about two months behind schedule. Thinking I was going to be ready to launch the new site at the beginning of January, I decided to hold off on adding any new entries to the website since I’d have to turn right around and figure out how to get those new entries over to the new site.

Basically, I’m doing a lousy job creating a new site while also keeping the old one updated. So now all of our websites look outdated. Go figure.

But as I said, the good news is that the new site is on the way soon. I’m working on it nearly every day and if things go well, we should be rolling it out sometime in March. Hopefully.

Stay tuned.

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The Future of Rosary Army

P7120086Wednesday, December 23 will be our last show of 2009 as Jennifer and I will be taking off work to spend time with our family while the boys are out of school for Christmas.

And though we’re taking vacation, we’ll also still be doing quite a bit of work as we wrap up our first fund drive in two years for our non-profit apostolate, Rosary Army.

Regular listeners to our program hear us talk about Rosary Army quite often simply because it’s been a major part of our lives for seven years. Rosary Army has been in our lives longer than some of our children!

The growth of Rosary Army in that time is nothing less than staggering. Yesterday on Lino Rulli’s program on The Catholic Channel, someone called in to suggest Lino make a donation to Rosary Army. Although he already knew the answer, Lino asked the called to describe what Rosary Army does. The caller, rightfully so, talked about the thousands of Rosaries Rosary Army gives away each year, and our mission of encouraging more people to make, pray, and give them away.

But what that caller was not so clear about is that in the past seven years, Rosary Army has also produced hundreds of hours of free audio and video programming that have been downloaded nearly 2.5 million times from people around the world. Our multimedia outreach has strengthened marriages and families, and enriched people’s faith lives, and brought thousands of people closer to God through our initiatives such as TotalConsecration.com, ThatCatholicShow.com, and our other projects.

Because God has taken Rosary Army into so many new and unexpected directions, it is not always clear to people exactly what it is that Rosary Army does.

So one of our goals for 2010 is to more clearly unify all of Rosary Army’s various ministries to make it easier than ever for more people to benefit from our free services. We’ll never stop making, praying, and giving away all-twine knotted Rosaries and encouraging others to do the same, but soon, when people visit RosaryArmy.com, they will also see all of the other wonderful resources available to them at the press of the button.

Though we are far from reaching our Giving Campaign goal for 2010, we decided this website endeavor is important enough to go ahead and hire a web development company to create a brand new Rosary Army website that will more clearly unify Rosary Army, TotalConsecration.com, ThatCatholicShow.com, and The Catholics Next Door radio program all into a single web portal.

Additionally, we are working on two brand-new online media projects for 2010. One is a video mini-series aimed at families with young children, and another is an audio mini-series addressing important aspects of our faith. Plus, we have a tremendous idea for Lent that we hope to unveil in January that will give you opportunities to be a blessing to other people in a very personal and amazing way.

Okay, now you knew the pitch was coming, so here it is.

The truth of the matter is that we have never before been so far behind in raising funds for Rosary Army. Last year we entirely skipped any fund raising activity. That means we went TWO YEARS without asking for a single dime. Nevertheless, in that time Rosary Army kept growing to the point that it was necessary for us to hire a new full-time employee to keep the organization going.

But at this point, with barely a week left in the year, we are $59,350 short of our budget for the next year. I won’t reiterate all the details here, but if you’re interested in reading more about how Rosary Army has spent its money over the past two years as well as the budget plans for 2010, you can check it out here.

But we need help. Now.

On our radio program, we rarely ask for help for Rosary Army. We talk about it, but we don’t flat out ask for help. We just don’t. That’s not the outlet, and we don’t want to betray the trust of our audience for that program by turning it into a public broadcasting giving campaign.

But today we’re most likely going to ask for help because we simply don’t know what else to do.

Now here’s more truth: God has never let us down.

In the seven years of Rosary Army, this is only the 5th time we had a fund drive. Only once before did we not make our goal, and that was only by a couple thousand dollars.

We’ve seen some miraculous things happen at the last minute, and that’s what we’re counting on this year.

After December 31, we’re not going to send out any more pleas for help via newsletters until our next giving campaign. We have too much work to do than to spend all of our time raising money. That’s why we’ve always reserved our fund drives for the periods between All Saints Day and New Year’s Eve. After that, we get back to focusing on other things.

But if you’re reading this, can you help? Will you help? Go check out Rosary Army’s website and see for yourself the good we’re trying to do for God and why we believe God has kept this apostolate going for so many years, because of the way it brings people closer to Him.

Thanks for your consideration, your prayers, and your financial support of Rosary Army.

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Catholic Christmas Gift Ideas

Picture 1On today’s show we talked about all sorts of great Catholic Christmas gift ideas. Here’s a list of most of the suggestions:

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Courtship of Greg’s Puppet

Picture 2Had a great day today hanging out with one of my newest best friends. I thought you might enjoy seeing a video from today. Click through to check it out.

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Our Jesse Tree Kit and Advent Resources

Picture 6This year we made an investment in a really good, reusable Jesse Tree kit and we’ve had a lot of people ask about it.

It’s not cheap (cost about $100), but the whole thing is hand-made and high-quality and we expect we’ll be using this every year. We highly recommend getting one from TheJesseTree.org. If you get one, be sure to tell them you heard about it from The Catholics Next Door (and no, we don’t get a kick-back, but we want them to be encouraged to keep this up)!

Also, be sure to check out the great Advent website from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at www.USCCB.org/Advent

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Deus Caristas Est

deuscaritasestThis morning on the show we talked about some things Pope Benedict XVI discussed in a General Audience this week, particularly in regards to the topic of love.

A few years ago we made available a free MP3 from talk Greg delivered about Pope Benedict XVI’s document, Deus Caritas Est, which means “God is Love.”

In case you missed it, and because we talked about it on today’s show, here’s that talk once again!

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In-Studio Guests

Picture 4Ever want to see what it looks like when we do a broadcast?

Well, yesterday we had a full studio as several of our colleagues from the Catholic New Media world stopped by and hung out for the full three hours of The Catholics Next Door. While in the studio, Fr. Roderick Vonhogen from SQPN.com kept a running online photo journal using Whhrl.com (see the photos below). So if you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when we’re doing a show, take a look at his Whrrl.com photo blog entry. Thanks to Lisa Hendey, David Sweeney, and Jeff Nielsen for all joining us on the program, as well!

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All the food that’s fit to eat

This post was originally posted on November 27, 2008, but we thought we’d repost it in case you’re still looking for dinner ideas for this year’s Thanksgiving. What’s going to be on your dinner table this year?

Well, the feast is over.

At least round one is.

We haven’t had dessert yet.

This might very well be the most beautiful bird we’ve ever made. I can’t BELIEVE how much juice there was to make gravy! I think because of the brining, we had more gravy than we’ve ever had even if we combined all the gravy together from every turkey we’ve ever cooked.

You can get an idea of the amount from the picture on the left, but even that’s deceiving. There was still much more juice than that!

Here’s what else we had:

This is AMAZING corn pudding. Never would have heard of such a thing if not for Mario Bosquez, from Martha Stewart Living. He hosts In The Kitchen with Mario Bosquez on the Martha Stewart Living Channel on Sirius Channel 112. He was on our show this past Monday and suggested we make his Mexican Corn Pudding and Mexican Chocolate Cake. We made BOTH. The cake picture is below.

Many thanks, Mario! The Corn Pudding was awesome and I can’t wait to try the cake in just a few minutes!

Here is my mom’s cranberry relish. Jennifer LOVES this stuff.

Jennifer’s mom brought the sausage potato stuffing:

Guddy (Jennifer’s mom) also brought squash casserole:

Homemade Mac and Cheese for the boys (and especially Walt, after his tonsilectomy), but for some reason, the boys didn’t like it this time:

Incredible asparagus with almonds:

Puerto Rican rice brought by my mother-in-law:

Jennifer learned about this dessert last year on a Paula Deen TV show. Gingerbread Pumpkin Triffle. Oh my. Looking forward to trying this, too.

My Mom’s awesome rolls:

Endless buckets of gravy:

Surprisingly good carrots. Jennifer made them, said she didn’t like them, but then we all ended up eating a ton of them. Go figure.

And lastly, Mario Bosquez’s Mexican Chocolate Cake. This is all that we had for this awesome Thanksgiving. Now that we’ve shared it with you, I’m going to go cut into that cake! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Fall Reading Suggestions

Anne RiceOn today’s show we took caller suggestions for great books to read during the Fall season.

Have any other suggestions? Leave a comment and let us know!

Click through for the full list!

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Homemade Costumes

Halloween1This past Saturday’s Halloween was all about homemade costumes for us this year.

Jennifer, in particular, did a bang-up job planning it all, but we also have to thank my mom for helping out with a costume for Lily.

And, of course, Sam came through with his typically creativity for homemade costumes, too.

In summary, Sam (almost 12) was a Star Wars bounty hunter of some sort, Walt (almost 10) was a dead ram thing (don’t ask), Ben (7) was a LEGO brick, Tom (5) was a traffic light (notice he’s wearing a t-shirt for “The Catholics Next Door”, and Lily (9 months) was a nun.

Here’s Lily in her homemade Nun’s habit:

Ben’s LEGO costume:

Costume contest at a local church party (you can see Tommy’s lit-up stoplight costume for which he won first prize):

We had an old skeleton costume that Walt once wore in an episode of That Catholic Show.  And Sam, for some reason, made a mask of a ram’s skull.  So Walt went as a dead ram/skeleton thing.  We still don’t know what this was supposed to be.

Jennifer’s mom with “Sister” Lily:

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Sister Lily

Sister LilyThe other day on the show we were trying to figure out what Halloween costume we should get for our nine-month-old Lily when a caller suggested the most obvious and most perfect idea – A Nun!

So we begged my Mom to whip together a habit for Lily and it turned out perfectly!

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